Mom Co. Ministry

MomCo is a support and encouragement group for moms of all ages and stages of motherhood. We learn by hosting speakers and watching videos on relevant topics, do crafts, play games, and share life experiences as we grow together.

We have weekly meetings where we enjoy coffee and hot breakfast all while growing and building community with one another. 

  • Registration

    Please click the image to register yourself and your kiddos for the remaining semester of meetings. The cost is $80 per new mom and $40 per returning mom. This covers your registration with The MomCo. by MOPS International, weekly meetings, pastries and coffee, gifts for guest speakers, weekly raffle prize and other perks from the leadership team. 

    Childcare/classes are available for your child/ren at an additional cost.


We gather + support moms.

We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that

remarkable things happen when moms come together.

Weekly Meeting

Friday Mornings | 9:30–11am

Location: New Life Community Church | Room 207

Childcare: Upstairs children's classrooms

On Friday mornings we drop the kiddos off in their designated classrooms and gather for coffee, pastries, a lesson and some much needed small talk. We have video lessons as well as welcome guest speakers to encourage us through that weekly grind we are all too familiar with. There are some weeks when we do a fun little project for our kids while we catch up and other weeks it's all about us moms.

This weekly meeting is essential to some of us moms. We look forward to it each and every week, being able to breathe and share the daily struggles as well as accomplishments. 

Every mama nurtures and parents her kiddos differently, and it's in those differences that we learn from each other. We are better together!


We offer childcare for all kiddos 1–10  years old.

Our childcare workers are background checked and cleared by the New Life Community staff.

Email if you have questions or want more info about the childcare provided.


Ministry Leader

Veronica Enriquez has been married to her high school sweetheart for eight years. She homeschools their three children, and has been a member at New Life Community Church for seven years. Veronica has served in the Children’s ministry as well as led Financial Peace University with her husband Omar.

The MomC.o has a special place in Veronica’s heart. The Lord brought healing and community through a MomCo. group when she needed it most, and He opened the doors to bring this ministry to New Life Community Church this January. It is Veronica’s heart for moms of every walk of life to be seen, feel loved and take one step closer to Jesus.